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Hi, I am Riccardo!

My name is Riccardo Marini, I am an Italian graduate in Materials and Nanotechnology from Politecnico of Milano and a long time Rugby player. I have studied in Italy, France and the Netherlands before going to university.  I decided to do a 10 month  internship at Buhler in Uzwil (Switzerland)  where I worked in the Animal Feed technology department on a cutting edge project aimed at developing an in line system to measure the proteins contained in animal feed.

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What attracted you to apply to the UNITECH programme?

I remember that even before learning about the structure of the program and the opportunities that it offered,  I was attracted by the passion with which I heard ex Unitechers talk about the program. They all seemed like sharp individuals who had gone through some kind of transformation, and this was the first thing that sparked my curiosity and interest for the program.

What did you enjoy most about your experience in the UNITECH programme, and how has the programme helped prepare you for the next steps in your career?

I really loved startup week, the atmosphere that we created was fantastic and I felt like the coaches did an outstanding job in preparing us for the journey ahead. I think UNITECH is an incredible experience that allows you to put your skills to the test before you enter a professional environment. I remember learning so much during midterm week and really thinking that those experiences would have helped me in the future… and they did!

Where was your academic exchange? What did you enjoy the most? 

I was lucky enough to go to INSA Lyon, I say lucky because unlike Politecnico di Milano I found two things that I loved. On one hand I had access to a lot of lab-based courses which is something that I enjoy doing and on the other INSA has a crazy vibrant campus life which makes the experience completely unforgettable.

Where was your internship? Were there any challenges that you faced? How did you overcome them?

My internship was in Uzwil, Switzerland. I think that the biggest challenge that my project had was the fact that it relied on multiple areas that all had to be dealt with in a successful manner if the project was to continue. Part of the internship was dedicated to data analysis, another to the lab work, and finally another to the physical sensor in the field. This project taught that even if you have the right strategy to deal with such a project you also need to establish a clear organizational structure from the beginning or else you will lose yourself in the data generated.

What are some of the biggest lessons you've learned in your career so far?

The most essential thing I learned is something about myself. I am a team player, whether I am leading or just being part of a team, that is the environment in which I perform best. This may not sound like such a big deal, but learning something important about how you work that you didn’t know before is fundamental for the future career that each one of us creates for themselves.

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